Break Out of the Rut and Do Something Radically Different
As I think back on the life-altering choice points of years past, I was always following a gentle nudge that prompted me to step out of the routine and do something radically different.
In-between Days: Aq’ab’al Trecena Journal Entries
Let the light of daybreak inspire you over the next two weeks to delve into your own shadow and bright light within and to conceive a new project, new habit, or new routine to invite more mindfulness, joy and peace into your daily life.
Why Retreat?
Today, I know that taking time to recalibrate our lives is not a luxury. It is a critical part of self-care. Just as we clean out our closets, we must clean out our lives, getting rid of that which no longer serves and keeping what is useful and what we need and love.
Dog Days: Tz’i Trecena Journal Entries
The trecena of T’zi calls us to live the paradox of cultivating beginner’s heart-mind while honing our skills and knowledge in our areas of authority.
Mind Your Mind: No’j Trecena Journal Entries
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a previous privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~Marcus Aurelius
Vicissitudes of Spring
My life has been both a dream come true and a living nightmare in recent months: four yoga retreats (three as teacher, one as student) and three bouts of illness, one culminating in surgery.
Opening my Heart to Mangoes and Papayas
Mindfulness isn’t exclusive to a cross-legged, seated position. True mindfulness expands to permeate each moment. Simply being aware of and deepening our breath is magic. The dharma (truth) comes through and opens our heart in the most unexpected ways, at the perfect moment.
Soft Belly Meditation
Let the breath breathe itself in a softening belly.
Soften the belly to receive the breath,
to receive sensation, to experience life in the body.
1 Kawok: Birth of a Project
Today is an ideal day to start birthing something new into the world: a concept, a philosophy, a project, a song. The birth process isn’t always easy, but it is beautiful.