In-between Days: Aq’ab’al Trecena Journal Entries
“The art of happiness is also the art of suffering well.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Tomorrow marks 1 Aq’ab’al in the sacred Mayan calendar. The next 13 days are governed by the potent energy of nawal Aq’ab’al, which is the embodiment of the first light of dawn. The spirit animal of this nawal is the bat.
Aq’ab’al is the bridge between the spiritual and the material worlds. This nawal represents in-between spaces and the moment of conception when the idea or possibility becomes reality. It is neither the light nor the dark. Aq’ab’al is the dawn and dusk.
Dawn is a mystical hour when night turns back into day each morning. I usually love this time of day when my mind is refreshed and open. I often feel at my most productive and creative in the quiet beauty of the early morning.
Let the light of daybreak inspire you over the next two weeks to delve into your own shadow and bright light within and to conceive a new project, new habit, or new routine to invite more mindfulness, joy and peace into your daily life. To connect with Aq'ab'al, meditate on the sky at sunset and sunrise.
Yogic Practices for the Aq’ab’al Trecena and Aq’ab’al Days
o Sun salutations (surya namaskar)
o Kaphalabhati (skull shining)
o Bumblebee breath
o Breath of fire
o Alternate nostril breath
“Breathing in, I’m aware of the painful feeling in me. Breathing out, I’m aware of the painful feeling in me.” This is an art. We have to learn it because most of us don’t like to be with our pain. We’re afraid of being overwhelmed by the pain, so we always seek to run away from it. There’s loneliness, fear, anger, and despair in us. Mostly we try to cover it up by consuming. There are those of us who go and look for something to eat. Others turn on the television. In fact, many people do both at the same time. And even if the TV program isn’t interesting at all, we don’t have the courage to turn it off, because if we turn it off, we have to go back to ourselves and encounter the pain inside. The marketplace provides us with many items to help us in our effort to avoid the suffering inside.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh, No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering
Sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Set a timer for whatever length of time you wish. Focus on the sensations that arise in the body as you deeply inhale and exhale. Notice—without judgement and with compassion for yourself—whenever you have the urge to move away from this moment, whether through an urge to grab your phone (a modern-day version of turning on the TV) or to eat or otherwise distract yourself from the present by thinking, planning, ruminating, or worrying. Instead of satisfying the urge to scroll, snack or strategize, continue sitting still and gently bringing your attention back to your breath. Deepen your breath once again. Observe the energy in your body, mind, and heart. Over time, you’ll strengthen your mental clarity and willpower by practicing this technique.
Journal Prompts for the Aq’ab’al Trecena
1 Aq’ab’al
Plant seeds of intention.
Conceive a new project or initiative.
What concept or idea wants to come forth gradually into the light?
Sketch what you see forming in the shadowy darkness.
2 K’at
Embrace and enjoy the duality and paradox of life
Choose what to release and what to carry forward in your close relationships.
What is one thing you are ready to let go of?
Write about one belonging you cherish greatly.
3 Kan
Meditate on a wisdom teaching that resonates with you.
Feel a deep sense of gratitude for your teachers.
It’s a great day to stay home and bask in quiet solitude, if possible.
How can you bring more life force into your physical body?
4 Kame
Bring transformation to the earth plane, taking steps to make your vision a reality.
Recall that death is not to be feared; it’s the natural yet unknown end to this human life.
Write about an ancestral wound you are healing and how.
What qualities are you grateful to have thanks to your ancestral line?
5 Kej
Connect with the wilderness, the four directions and the beauty of the deer.
Take a walk in the forest or visualize yourself strolling through a leafy jungle.
How can you more fully embrace your role as a spiritual leader?
What effort do you/will you put into caring for your body as your most cherished temple?
6 Q’anil
Plant seeds of all kinds today, both literal and figurative/intentional.
Follow your bliss!
What is blossoming in your life at present?
7 Toj
Look around from the top of the pyramid, seeing all options with a clear perspective.
Make a meaningful donation to a beneficial organization and/or pay off a debt.
Count your blessings—list 3 or 4 things you are grateful for right now.
8 T’zi
Channel the loyal and loving spirit of the dog.
Take a few moments to consciously breathe in love and breathe out fear.
What is your truth?
9 B’atz
Honor the wisdom of women.
Partake in creation and appreciation of the arts.
Choose the current color palette of your life’s ever-evolving tapestry.
How can you express your inner feminine energy through art?
10 E
Potent day for the manifestation of your highest spiritual path in community.
Walk and travel mindfully.
Practice what you preach.
Where have you come from? Where are you going?
11 Aj
Cultivate the strength, balance and flexibility of the corn stalk.
Focus on creativity in the realm of home and family.
Which distractions are helpful and which are unhelpful?
12 Ix
Every moment is a miracle.
Reflect on the magic of Earth and the ways Mother Nature has enhanced your life.
What life lessons have you learned in regard to embodying your magic?
What is your favorite song to sing in the shower? Belt it out.
13 Tz’ikin
Soar like the eagle to connect with spirit.
Give and receive love and gratitude from the ancestors across the veil.
What is your vision for the coming years of your life?
How can you cultivate greater prosperity for the benefit of all?