
Michelle’s books are available on KindleLeanPub.

Be Free

A 58-page e-book with accessible healing practices for body, mind, heart, soul, and shadow. Let your practices of yoga and mindfulness expand to encompass your life. This book offers simple, modern methods gleaned from ancient teachings.


Yoga Schmoga: Autobiography of a Modern Yogini

The true story of how yoga deeply affected—and saved—my life (and mental health) over the 20 years from approximately age 13 to 33.

Each personal essay delves into a theme—work, spirituality, mental health, sex, love.

Along the way, I share my experience of the what, where, why and how of a transformative personal practice centered around yoga and mindfulness.

Kindle / LeanPub

Flow & Flower: How to Heal Your Chakras

Learn about balancing your chakra energy centers. This 50-page booklet explores the seven main chakras including a general overview, yoga practice suggestions, essential questions for reflection, affirmations, music playlists, and guided meditations.
