We Are How We Eat.
“The yoga of eating itself is a kind of relaxation encompassing both physical and mental elements. Not manipulating, controlling, imposing upon, or dismissing the body’s messages, it trusts the body to move towards its natural rest state: beauty and wholeness. Everything you need to know about eating is already within you.” -Charles Eisenstein
The Sacred Count of Days
The sacred calendar translates the elements of the Mayan creation story into 260 days, a cycle of roughly nine months, which is equal to both the gestation period of human life and the growth cycle of corn. Each nawal and number is connected to a part of the human body. The 20 nawales are said to represent the 10 fingers and 10 toes of the human body, and the 13 numbers represent our 13 major joints.
Where is Home: Aj Trecena Journal Prompts
Aj inspires us to stand tall and draw on the energies of the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth, to bring peace and prosperity to our own heart, our home and the wider community around us.
Aj is the pillar that facilitates the connection between the cosmos and the earth. It reminds us to keep our backs straight and to stand strong in ourselves. Aj helps us to feel connected with our inner home, our heart.
Sunny Side Up: Ajpu Trecena Journal Prompts
Ajpu is the sun, the human being, the flower of each individual person. Ajpu brings a golden radiance into the world and lights our way as we pursue our quest to integrate divinity and nature into our human bodies and lives.
Move with Grace: Kej Trecena Journal Entries
May we remember that our own true nature is connected to the cycles of the earth, to the sun and moon, to the forests and mountains. May we encounter the balance between head (logic) and heart (feeling). May we become more ourselves—whole, full, and present in each moment of each day.
Sing Out Loud: Ix Trecena Journal Posts
During these two weeks, find your inner jaguar through quiet and solitude to connect with your deepest intuition and innate creativity. This is a time to give thanks for all we receive from Mother Earth—air, food, water, shelter, and so much more. It’s a time to give back by planting a tree, picking up litter, and showing gratitude and care for our one and only planet.
Dream a New Dream: Imox Trecena Journal Entries
What seeds of manifestation will you water?
What wants to be created through you?
What is asking for form and energy?
Sharpen Your Vision: Tz’ikin Trecena Journal Entries
The spirit guide of Tz’ikin is the eagle and its powerful eagle-eye view. These days invite us to spread our wings and see the big picture. Tz’ikin knows the way toward an abundant and prosperous life.
Debts of Gratitude: Toj Trecena Journal Entries
Toj reminds us that the ideal foundation for giving is gratefulness. When we recall the simple beauty of the moment, give thanks for both the ease and the challenges of our lives, and make offerings from the abundant bounty of our hearts, we are living in the spirit of Toj. This is the energy that guides the next 13 days.