Sing Out Loud: Ix Trecena Journal Posts

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~Steve Jobs

Ix connects us with the feminine forces of life and mother nature. By immersing ourselves in the elements around us, we experience a sense of magic. Ix is represented by the jaguar. With courage and grace, she walks through the darker forests with raised awareness.

In the sacred Mayan calendar, the trecena of Ix is a 13-day period that is all about our connection to Mother Earth and the magical soul of nature, of which we are an integral part. It’s a time to ask ourselves how we can connect more fully with nature and help sustain our planet. Ix represents our connection to sacred sites and altars where we deepen our connection to Pachamama. Ix empowers our own personal magic to come through in our unique ideas, voice, and actions.

During these two weeks, find your inner jaguar through quiet and solitude to connect with your deepest intuition and innate creativity. This is a time to give thanks for all we receive from Mother Earth—air, food, water, shelter, and so much more. It’s a time to give back by planting a tree, picking up litter, and showing gratitude and care for our one and only planet.

Yogic Practices for the Ix Trecena and Ix Days

Asana Lion, Tiger, Cat/Cow, Goddess pose, Crescent moon, Spinal twists

Pranayama Humming, bumblebee breath, chakra toning


Feel the energy from the heart of the earth coming up into your heart with each inhale. Feel the energy from the heart of the sky coming down into your heart on the exhale. Feel where your body connects to the ground, to Mother Earth. Connect with your own boundless heart.

Notice sensations in the physical body. Listen attentively to the sounds all around: your breath, the breeze, the birds, the people, the lake, the cars. Send gratitude and love to Mother Earth, thanking her for all she provides, each day, each night, each season—without fail.

To connect with Ix, light a candle and visualize sitting in one of your favorite places in nature. Connect with the sensation of gratitude for this places. Soak in the beauty that surrounds you. Chant or sing a song from the heart.

Journal Prompts for the Ix Trecena

1 Ix

Make a list of all of the things you are grateful for in your life, including the challenges in life that have made you the person you are today.

Be open to the magic around you. Take an action to thank Mother Earth.

2 Tz’ikin

Focus on the prosperity of your relationships. Look at the bigger, long-term picture to decide whether to say yes or no.

3 Ajmak

Affirmation of the day: “For any harm I have done to myself, I forgive myself.”

What do you forgive yourself for today?

4 No’j

Bring your brightest ideas down to earth.

How can you express gratitude for your sharp intellect?

5 Tijax

Cut away what no longer serves or benefits. Put effort into healing on all levels.

Where is the pain?

What color is the pain?

What sound is the healing?

6 Kawok

Slow down and connect with the patience of the turtle.

What new idea, concept or project are you birthing?

7 Ajpu

Let your golden inner light shine forth. Contemplate all the options you may choose from.

Where will you go next?

8 Imox

Bless the water. Give love and gratitude to every droplet.

What feelings and emotions are you channeling now?

9 Iq’

Cultivate the feminine qualities of communication: empathy, listening, flexibility, and clear expression of feelings and opinions.

What questions are you asking today?

What answers are you sensing?

10 Aq’ab’al

Enjoy the in-between spaces. Meditate at sunrise and sunset. Manifest the best version of yourself.

What hidden goal, dream, or aspect of your life is now becoming more clear in the light of day?

11 K’at

Look at what you’re carrying and leaving behind, with whom you’re networking, and how you weave your web with love, purpose, and passion.

Where do you get tangled up in drama?

How can you cut yourself free from the mind’s incessant games?

12 Kan

Reflect on the whole of your life’s experiences in regard to teaching and learning.

What are the lessons and who are the teachers that have transformed you in the past and continue inspiring you in the present?

13 Kame

Potent day to connect with the spirit realm and the ancestors for guidance.

Write an ode to death, rebirth, and transformation.


Move with Grace: Kej Trecena Journal Entries


Dream a New Dream: Imox Trecena Journal Entries