Move with Grace: Kej Trecena Journal Entries
“The mind is either dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. But the body is always in the present moment. If you can bring you mind where your body is, that’s peace, that’s wellness.” ~Ruth Stricker
Kej moves gracefully in deep connection with the forces of nature and follows the voice of intuition. This Nawal is one of spiritual leadership. Kej asks us to connect deeply with the elements of nature and is especially in tune with the forest and the trees.
The next 13 days are imbued with the energy of Kej, which represents our connection to the wilderness, the four directions, spiritual leadership, humility, respect, power, and grace.
These two weeks are about embracing our strength and reclaiming our power in a dignified, quiet, respectful manner that aligns with nature. The goal is to find the balance between discipline and freedom. This is an excellent time to go on a hike and to do some rejuvenating forest bathing.
May we remember that our own true nature is connected to the cycles of the earth, to the sun and moon, to the forests and mountains. May we encounter the balance between head (logic) and heart (feeling). May we become more ourselves—whole, full, and present in each moment of each day.
Yogic Practices for the Kej Trecena and Kej Days
Asana Sun and moon salutations, warrior variations, half moon pose, standing splits, threading the needle, pigeon, child’s pose
Pranayama Full yogic breath (belly, mid-chest and upper chest), square breath (inhale 6, hold 6, exhale 6, hold out 6), breath of fire
Meditation Walking meditation, standing meditation, forest bathing. Visualize yourself as a mighty stag gracefully moving through a sun-speckled green forest.
Journal Prompts for the Kej Trecena
1 Kej
Spend today in nature to cultivate power and energy. Plant seeds of gratitude, respect, dignity, and strength.
How do you love, accept and care for the temple of your physical body?
Where is your sacred territory?
2 Q’anil
Plant literal and figurative seeds, make decisions, enjoy the blooming beauty that surrounds you.
How can you express gratitude to your relations?
What is the color, shape, size and aroma of the flower blossoming at your heart center?
3 Toj
Give yourself the gift of meditation today. Look inward and connect with your own water and fire elements.
What experiences are you grateful for in this moment?
What word(s) do you hear in the silence between sounds?
4 T’zi
Ground yourself in love, truth, justice and loyalty. Bring these virtues into being in the physical realm.
Write an ode to a dog.
Where does your truth reside?
5 B’atz
Meditate on the monkey mind. Weave the threads of time as you set your intentions for today.
What creative endeavors are you putting effort into now?
What colors and symbols are you weaving together today?
6 E
Start your day with your favorite invigorating practice.
How can you travel with greater stability and security?
Where do you want the next steps on your path to take you?
7 Aj
Look at the many options before you in regard to home and family.
How can you cultivate strength, flexibility, discernment and open-mindedness in the realm of family?
What has come to a natural ending? What is now beginning?
8 Ix
Return of the jaguar medicine.
How might you celebrate Mother Earth and do something to help her out today?
9 Tz’ikin
Spread your divine feminine wings and soar. Give gratitude for the abundance that pulsates around you all the time.
Look at the big picture of your life; where do you see yourself in 10 years?
How young will you be in 20 years?
10 Ajmak
Focus on forgiveness and ancestral wisdom at the community level.
Manifest peace and sweetness into your reality today.
What are you forgiving yourself for?
How can you accept your humanness more fully in all its varieties?
11 No’j
Allow your mind to wander to unexpected places. Appreciate the power and vastness of the intellect.
What ideas excite you?
What books are you reading?
12 Tijax
Big day for letting go, editing, and working toward deep healing of yourself and others.
What are you cutting away that no longer serves or benefits you?
On what level(s) is your current healing happening?
13 Kawok
Connect with Grandmother Turtle.
Slow down, be patient, and watch out for signs and signals from the other side of the veil.
What’s the rush?
What happens to your mind and body when you slow down to the turtle’s pace?