Sunny Side Up: Ajpu Trecena Journal Prompts
“We each hold the codes of a new humanity within us. Change is our natural state… within you, you have all you need to create what you’re destined to create, to move through everything that life delivers and to navigate your way through any terrain.” ~Rebecca Campbell
Ajpu is the sun, the human being, the flower of each individual person. Ajpu brings a golden radiance into the world and lights our way as we pursue our quest. To integrate divinity and nature into our human bodies and lives. Embracing and recognizing both shadow and light as complementary aspects of life, the energies of nawal Ajpu help us to recognize the beauty in all of it.
Yogic Practices for the Ajpu Trecena and Ajpu Days
Sun salutations: all variations and all rhythms from rocket power to slow flow. Move with your intuition, your inner music and, above all, your breath.
Sun breath (inhale through the right nostril while covering the left; exhale through the left nostril while covering the right; repeat) – this breathing technique is excellent for bringing more energy and alertness into the body and mind.
To connect with Ajpu, Ppractice this meditation at sunrise or at sunset when the light of the sun is not at its full strength. Gaze at the sun rays as you imagine them entering your eyes. Letting the golden radiance enter your = being, visualizing it filling up your entire body and every cell. Give your eyes a break whenever you need to.
To complete the meditation, place both hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Take eight full deep breaths and feel the warmth and gratitude in your heart for the light of the sun.
Journal Prompts for the Ajpu Trecena
1 Ajpu
The seed of a new heroic journey, a new spiritual path.
I reconnect with and remember the divinity within me.
I ask questions with an open mind.
What do I love most about my Self?
What journey am I on now?
2 Imox
I make choices that move me toward my dreams.
I meditate on the water.
What does my dream day look like?
Will I or won’t I _(fill in the blank)_?
3 Iq’
I listen for communication from within.
What word is arising in my heart?
I ask my spirit guide a question and write out their answer in stream of consciousness style.
4 Aq’ab’al
I am bringing new concepts to the earth plane.
What new project am I making happen now?
What ideas are now manifesting in my life?
5 K’at
A good day to work on networking, organizing, donating and discarding things.
What am making an effort to carry forward?
What am making an effort to stop carrying and let go of?
6 Kan
I am grounding wisdom, making it practical, and passing it on through sharing and teaching.
What am I excited about teaching?
What am I passionate about learning?
7 Kame
I face the skeletons in the closet and bring light to the shadows.
What am I most afraid of?
8 Kej
I give thanks through a simple ritual for what the wilderness and nature provide.
Write an ode to trees.
9 Q’anil
I enjoy the blossoming of life’s rewards.
How do I embody the divine feminine?
10 Toj
I give back to the community through service, donations and offerings.
Where am I giving my time and energy?
What am I most grateful for?
11 Tz’i
A day of wandering instinctually, following intuition, allowing distraction, observing vices and temptations.
My gut is telling me…
I am easily tempted by…
12 B’atz
Draw together the threads into a weaving of life’s lessons,
My past brought me here. I am planting seeds for the future. Right now I am…
My favorite color is… because…
13 E
I journey toward Spirit and the ancestors on my path.
What guidance am I asking for from the other side of the veil?
Where is my path heading?