Breath is Life.

Yoga Freedom Retreats

Visit magical Lake Atitlan in the western highlands of Guatemala. Immerse yourself in yoga, breath, writing, nature, ritual and the sacred Mayan calendar.

Lago de Atitlán is the place I’ve gratefully called home since 2012. It’s natural beauty is boundless and one never tires of gazing upon it. Here, we will gather to deepen our spiritual practice in a small group setting — by reaching toward the heart of the sky, the heart of the earth, and our own boundless heart centers.

Why go on retreat? To find balance, to navigate through a transformative period in your life, to devote your time and energy to healing, to step away from the daily grind to see the bigger picture. Retreat isn’t a fantasy world, but it is a blessed opportunity to grow and evolve.

It offers a delightful chance to deepen our breath, slow down our steps, and connect with our true nature. On the path of harmony, balance and beauty, we’ll forge bonds with new friends by sharing time, space and stories.

The transcendent beauty of the lush flora and mystical energies of the lake gives a safe space and the perfect place for meaningful inner work and profound adventures.

Upcoming Retreats

  • Heart Wisdom: Yoga & the Sacred Mayan Calendar

    November 16-23, 2024
    Villa Sumaya, Guatemala

    The sacred Mayan calendar is a lunar calendar created by the ancient Maya that we can, even in modern times, apply to our everyday life to connect and flow with the distinctive energy of each day.

  • Soul Path Retreat: Yoga, Breath & Service Retreat

    December 1-7, 2024
    Bambu Guest House, Guatemala

    On this retreat, we’ll gather to walk our soul path with intention, joy and purpose in a one-on-one or small group setting (max. 8). Together, we’ll cultivate a slow flow full of awareness, beauty, gratitude and love.

  • Traverse Journeys Mexico Yoga & Culinary Retreat

    March 23-28, 2025
    San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

    This immersive experience in Mexico that combines cuisine, culture and daily movement? This 6-day Mexico retreat in the beautiful, mountainous state of Guanajuato, Mexico combines daily yoga with local explorations and the incredible flavors of the area.

Hola :)

My name is Michelle Margaret, and I’m here to say that yoga has saved my life and shaped it in the best ways. And by yoga, I mean “yoga schmoga,” which for me encompasses asana, pranayama, meditation, writingkk, Thanks to the practice, I’ve managed to not only stay sane but also thrive. I’m a expat yogi, mother, partner, writer, poet, editor, translator, teacher, and retreat leader from Austin, TX, USA and I have lived in Guatemala (somehow, in the blink of an eye) for about one-third of my precious human life.

I’ve practiced yoga since 1993, taught since 2002 and have been leading retreats since 2010. I live with my wonderful human and fur family on magical Lake Atitlan in the western highlands of Guatemala and work as a freelance editor and translator. I also work for two fabulous retreat centers at the lake: reservations manager at Bambu Guest House and interpreter of Mayan fire ceremonies and personal readings at Villa Sumaya.

Let’s retreat together

Fill out this form and I will be in touch shortly!

“Michelle is a joy to retreat with. Her decades of experience in yoga and mindfulness combined with her unique understandings of the Mayan cosmovision and traditional breath work practices gives her offerings a rich and grounded feel. She has provided me with inspirations and insights to deepen my practice.” ~ Ash

“I can’t even begin to describe what an incredible adventure I had on retreat with Michelle & Ash in Guatemala. They are both such kind, open-minded, and talented people; it is a joy to be led by them both in yoga & in learning the history and culture of a new place. I can’t imagine a better way to explore, or better people to be with, on retreat.” ~ Caroline

I have had several yoga sessions with Michelle, and even though I am a yoga noobie I always felt so encouraged and inspired after our sessions together. Michelle is an incredible yoga leader, patient, calming, authentic and kind. ~Morgan