Mind Your Mind: No’j Trecena Journal Entries

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a previous privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~Marcus Aurelius

No’j is related to the mind and brain. The gift of our intellect helps us process our ideas and organize our thoughts and plans into manageable steps and achievable goals. Practices that move us from the mind into the body are beneficial to bringing balance to the energies of this Nawal.

No’j represents intelligence, ideas, wisdom, knowledge, patience, and memory. It’s also the day sign of the education, training and intelligence. Its spirit animals are woodpecker and gazelle.

These 13 days are a time for introspection, reflection and cultivation of knowledge and authentic wisdom and a great opportunity to give thanks to our planetary and personal natural intelligence. Take these two weeks to appreciate your innate intelligence, cultivate creativity and ask for clarity and understanding on any aspects of life that need your focus.

Yogic Practices for the No’j Trecena and No’j Days


o   Mountain pose + variations (reaching arms overhead, diagonal and side stretches)

o   Chair pose (mountain to chair super slow flow)

o   Child’s pose + variations (center for 2 minutes, reach right 1 minute, reach left 1 minute)

o   Dolphin

o   Headstand


o   Focus on the third eye point during each breath technique

o   Alternate nostril breathing

o   Sighing

The motto of No’j could beMind over matter. Free your mind. Meditate.”

Find a comfortable seated position. Focus your attention on the breath, noticing when you’re inhaling and when you’re exhaling. This light concentration will naturally lengthen your inhalations and exhalations. Bring awareness to the thoughts coming up in your mind. Let the thoughts come and go as they may. Imagine them as clouds floating across a clear blue sky. See the clouds coming and going, without engaging with them or grasping them.

Let everything pass until the mind becomes a clear canvas. Allow this clear canvas to take up more and more space, letting it grow. Any time your mind gets caught up in a specific train of thought and starts making plans, judgements, or ruminations, come back to the breath and the sensation of the breath. Set a timer and practice for 5 minutes or longer. Do this meditation whenever you wish to clear your mind.

Journal Prompts for the No’j Trecena

1 No’j (May 9)

The human mind is a gift, and it can also be a trickster. Learn to harness your mind and use it for the highest benefit of yourself and all beings.

How can your logical mind and intuitive heart work together in harmony?

What is one of your current personal goals? Sketch the steps you’ll take to achieve it.

Write about the book(s) on your bedside table and the ideas they hold.

2 Tijax (May 10)

A potent day for healing any harm born of duality and finding clarity.

Ask the obsidian blade for an answer: yes or no?

Ask yourself what is ready to be cut away. What are you ready to let go of?

3 Kawok (May 11)

A day for quiet meditation and solitude. Observe and enjoy your inner rainstorm, whether it’s a drizzle or a hurricane.

How can you find ease and joy in the birthing process of a new creative project or initiative?

4 Ajpu (May 12)

A simple life is a fulfilled life. Simplify, simplify. Bring your mind down to earth. Make your knowledge practical.

How do you practice what you preach?

How could you more deeply and fully embody your spiritual being?

5 Imox

Work with the water element. Connect with a natural body of water.

What is your highest wish—for yourself, your family, humanity?

How can you put in the effort in to make your dream a reality?

6 Iq’

A stable time to cultivate clear, open communication. Words may flow smoothly today.

How can you express yourself more clearly?

What new idea(s) are you ready to announce to your community?

7 Aq’ab’al

Cultivate awareness by rejoicing in the contrast between light and dark.

Meditate on the sky at dawn, feeling grateful for the night turning into a new day.

What new concepts are you pondering?

What options are you choosing from? Which way do you wish to go?

8 K’at

A day to celebrate the abundance blessings of your life—and your mind—through ceremony.

Are you carrying baggage full of burdens or valuables?

What ideas and beliefs that you had held dear are no longer needed or beneficial?

9 Kan

Life’s paths are full of lessons and wisdom when we take the time to learn and reflect. Honor your teachers.

Honor your inner divine feminine.

Write a list of the most essential wisdom teachings you have learned and experienced in your life.

10 Kame

Let your life be guided by death, the greatest adventure into the unknown.

How are we transforming, mentally and intellectually, at the community level?

What ancestral knowledge can you reclaim?

What will your life’s greatest legacy be?

11 Kej

Allow yourself to wander in the wilderness.

Go forest bathing. Let yourself be healed by the green, grounding yet soaring energy of the trees.

How does nature recharge you?

What strength, wisdom and clarity does the natural world offer you?

12 Q’anil

May we seed our highest intention for the highest benefit of all beings. May we all know peace, joy and liberation in our time on Earth.

What are you harvesting from your cumulative life experience?

What feeds and nourishes you?

13 Toj

Giving is getting. Make an offering to Spirit.

Make a donation to a heart-centered nonprofit organization.

Show devotion to your ancestors. Honor all your relations.

What financial and/or spiritual debts do you need to pay?

Write four people, places and things you’re grateful for now.


Dog Days: Tz’i Trecena Journal Entries


Vicissitudes of Spring