The Wisdom of Death: The Kame Trecena

Death is the transformation of energy. The physical body dies and decomposes, but consciousness goes on in some way, shape, or form. As such, death shouldn’t be viewed as scary, sad or abnormal. Although it is natural and perhaps even beautiful, modern society largely sweeps death under the rug and develops phobias around it.

Kame represents death, rebirth and transformation and it’s connection to the ancestors. It is considered an auspicious and positive energy. The energy of Kame encourages us to hold our loved ones on the other side of the veil in our hearts and memories and to let go of our grief.

Its animal totem is the owl, its color is white and its direction is north, according to the Kiche Maya of the Guatemala highlands.

The Kame trecena calls upon us to face our fears with intention. The 13-day trecena of Kame begins on Thursday, February 8. Here are the energies of each day for the next two weeks:

1 Kame – Plant seeds of transformation, remembrance of those who have passed away, and respect for the ultimate reality of death

2 Kej – Walk in the woods. Ask for answers to your pressing questions in the quiet beauty of the wilderness.

3 Q’anil – Plant seeds of intention in your mind. Look within and blossom.

4 To’j – Make a grounded offering and give a donation. Connect with the sacred fire. Bring your gratitude down to the earth plane.

5 Tz’i – Focus on heart-centered hard work.

6 B’atz – Weave the threads of life in colorful alignment.

7 E – Look around at the amazing view from the top of the pyramind, the apex of the spiritual path.

8 Aj – Concentrate on harmony in the home and family. Ceremonial day for community leaders. Be like the corn stalk: strong yet flexible

9 Ix – Harness feminine power, divine magic, the potency of Mother Nature, intense jaguar medicine

10 Tz’ikin – Manifest your vision with an eagle eye, call in abundance and prosperity.

11 Ajmaq – Connect with the wisdom of forgiveness in many directions.

12 No’j – Mind over matter. Ponder the teachings of your life’s experiences

13 Tijax – Ultimate healing and spirit connection; the sharpest obsidian blade can heal or harm.


The 20 Trecenas of the Sacred Mayan Calendar


For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet