Debts of Gratitude: Toj Trecena Journal Entries
“Even the silence holds a sort of prayer.” ~Native American Proverb
Toj days invite us to truly listen, appreciate silence, and connect with gratitude. Toj represents the sacred fire and is also connected to the element of water. It’s the day to pay off spiritual and material debts and clear the karma we carry with us. When we give of ourselves, whether our energy, emotion, effort or resources, are we doing it with a sense of deep gratitude or grim duty?
Toj is an offering. In Mayan fire ceremonies, we give offerings to each nawal as the spiritual guide leading the ritual counts the days of the sacred Mayan calendar. These offerings may include candles, chocolate, seeds, copal, corn kernels, flower water, herbs and flowers, among other items. It is a way to connect with the intangible yet ever-present realm of Spirit and the ancestors.
Toj reminds us that the ideal foundation for giving is gratefulness. When we recall the simple beauty of the moment, give thanks for both the ease and the challenges of our lives (both of which are blessings), and make offerings from the abundant bounty of our hearts, we are living in the spirit of Toj. This is the energy that guides the next 13 days.
Yogic Practices for the Toj Trecena and Toj Days
o Spinal flex (cat-cow pose)
o Fire log pose (seated double pigeon)
o Standing forward bend (dangling yin-style for 3 to 5 minutes)
o Breath of fire
o Deep belly breathing
To connect with To’j, make a small fire or light a candle. As you light the flame, consider all the things you are grateful for in your life. Write them down and/or say them to the fire. Connect with the feeling of love in your heart and send this out into the flames, receiving the warmth of the flames back into your heart again.
Journal Prompts for the Toj Trecena
1 Toj
The seed of giving. Offer a ceremony to ask for balance and to cultivate gratitude for your life.
What emotions are you feeling now?
How can you allow them to flow naturally?
2 T’zi
Ponder relationship and duality in the realm of unconditional love, truth and justice.
Where do you harbor an us-versus-them mentality?
How can you let go of it and focus on commonalities rather than differences?
3 B’atz
Connect with your inner artist, spending some time on creative endeavors today.
Redecorate or rearrange your living space at home.
What is your favorite way to express your creativity these days?
4 E
Ground your path on the earth plane.
Explore new places and new experiences, whether close to home or far afield.
Where will your spiritual path take you today, physically, mentally, and emotionally?
5 Aj
Put effort into establishing harmony in your home and community.
How can you cultivate greater stability in your life?
Where do your giving and service make the greatest impact?
6 Ix
Connect with sacred spaces/altars
Give love to Mother Earth through service projects and gratitude rituals.
What is the song in your heart? Sing it out loud.
7 Tz’ikin
Fine tune your long-term vision for life. Choose the way you’re going to bring in prosperity for your family and community.
Where do you see yourself in five to ten years (really)?
8 Ajmak
Focus on forgiveness and acceptance of self and others. Give pardon. Show understanding.
What can you soften?
What old resentments are you ready to release?
9 No’j
Honor the yin/yang, balancing feminine intuition and masculine logic.
Bring your gratitude to life.
What do you like and love about your mind and how it works?
10 Tijax
An ideal day for community-level healing.
How can you let go of beliefs and habits that no longer serve or benefit you?
How can you serve and benefit both yourself and others in your community?
11 Kawok
Rebirth day. Be creative, wander in wonder, connect with Turtle spirit and the beauty of a rainstorm.
What’s the harm in slowing down?
When do you tend to rush and worry the most?
12 Ajpu
Assess your journey, looking back at your life and the lessons it has taught you.
What serves as the foundation of your sense of gratitude?
What is the next logical step on your path forward?
13 Imox
Potent day to touch in with Spirit, collective consciousness, dreams and ancestral wisdom by connecting with natural water bodies.
Trust your intuition. Protect your empathic sensitivity.
What messages are you receiving from Spirit, the water, and the ancestors?