The 20 Day Signs of the Sacred Mayan Calendar

Having lived in Guatemala for 14+ years, I’ve been blessed to explore the heart-centered, Earth-bound wisdom of the Mayan cosmovision through fire ceremonies and the sacred Mayan calendar.

The Mayan people are wise, strong, kind, caring, grounded, and deeply connected to the natural rhythms of the Earth. For several years, I’ve been a student of the sacred Mayan calendar with its system of 13 numbers and 20 nawales, or day signs.

Thirteen times nine equals 260 days. Each cycle of the calendar lasts roughly nine months, which is not coincidentally also the length of human gestation. The sacred calendar is a never-ending spiral. The 20 nahuales are said to represent the 20 fingers and toes of the human body, and the 13 numbers represent our 13 major joints (ankles, knees, hips, shoulder, elbows, wrists, and neck).

By consciously finding ways to bring the energies of the 20 nahuales (spirits of the elements of nature) into our days, we connect with the potent forces of creation. Explore what works best for you. Start by becoming aware of the energy of each day and opening your curiosity. Fine tune your senses and become the observer of the play of your life.

I’ve had the pleasure of participating in dozens of Mayan ceremonies over the past 7 years. These are traditional fire ceremonies in which a Mayan spiritual guide opens a portal to commune in prayer with the spirits. We make offerings to the fire and the spirits or gods that rule the day signs.

The calendar number and sign that occurred on the day of your birth tell you your personal number and day sign. Discover your Mayan birth sign by using this site. The birth sign has two parts: a numerical tone, which is a number from 1 to 13, and a nawal, which is a day sign typically associated with spirit animals and natural element. There are 20 nawales in all. My main sign is 6 Kej (Deer), but since I’m over age 43, my elder or destiny sign (1 Tz’ikin/Eagle) may be more dominant.

Each of the 20 day signs corresponds to a cardinal direction.

East: Imox, Kan, Toj, Aj, Noj

These days emphasize our need for creativity, trying something new and moving forward.

North: Iq, Kame, T’zi, Ix, Tijax

On these days, the mind may be under pressure, so be sure to clear your field and protect yourself from dark energy.

West: Aq’ab’al, Kej, B’atz, Tz’ikin, Kawoq

On these days, we may encounter others and experience time for sharing and cultivating relationships.

South: K’at, Q’anil, E, Ajmaq, Ajpu

These are days that bring up strong feelings and emotional extremes, and they may also be times of activity and accomplishment.

The 20 Nawales (Day Signs)

IMOX – Water, Collective Consciousness, Dreams, Crocodile – intuitive, emotional, artistic, creative, crazy

IQ – Wind, Imagination, Hummingbird – imaginative, romantic, nature lovers, communicative, expressive

AK’A’BAL – Night, Dawn, Dusk, In-between Space – soft-spoken, diplomatic, intelligent, mysterious

K’AT – Net, Web, Network – curious, perceptive, fiery, social, clever

KAN – Snake, Life Force, Sexual Energy, Kundalini, Wisdom – powerful, intense, magnetic, wise, transcendental

KAME – Death, Transformation – peaceful, patient, intuitive, deep, calm, healing, shamanic

KEJ – Deer, Freedom, Wilderness, Spiritual Leadership – mighty, tenacious, independent, strong, free, graceful

Q’ANIL – Star, Seed, Rabbit – friendly, emotional, sensitive, lucky, bright, gardeners

T’OJ – Water, Fire, Gratitude, Offerings, Debt – warm, sincere, sensitive, dreamy, intense, just

T’ZI – Dog, Love, Justice, Truth – brave, loyal, loving, truth-seeking, honest, fierce

B’ATZ – Monkey, Thread, Time, Art – creative, smart, charismatic, silly, artistic, funny, weaver

E – Road, Path, Feet, Teeth – practical, industrious, organized, world traveler, present, mindful

AJ – Corn, Bamboo, Home, Family, Children – calm, practical, good with money, family-focused, flexible yet strong

IX – Jaguar, Mother Nature, Song, Sacred Altars – courageous, curious, intelligent, feline, magical, musical

T’ZI’KIN – Eagle, Vision, Prosperity, Joy – friendly, sharp, happy, spiritual, sociable, properous, abundant, visionary

AJMAQ – Vulture, Forgiveness, Ancestral Wisdom, Sweetness – wise, introspective, patient, practical, soulful,

N’OJ – Earth, Mind, Intellect – talented, analytical, visionary, idealistic, philosophical

TIJAX – Knife, Blade, Obsidian, Healing – active, sharp, challenging, healing, medicinal, editing, letting go

KAWOQ – Storm, Turtle, Midwife, Community – tender, sensitive, nurturing, feminine, grandmotherly, patient

AJPU – Sun, Hero, Human being, Golden heart – strong, healthy, positive, enthusiastic, brave, courageous, mindful

The 13 Numbers

1: A new cycle. Beginnings, union, oneness, ripening ideas and inspiration.

2: Polarity. Yin/yang, partnership, integrating the aspects of life into wholeness.

3: Rhythm and (inner) movement. Triangular connection between the cosmos, Mother Earth and our human selves.

4: Stability. Material world. The 4 corners and the 4 directions. Restructuring and re-ordering.

5: Work, effort, purpose, focus and centeredness. 5 invites us to move from our core.

6: Stable flow of life’s rhythm. Connection between the four directions, the heart of the sky and the heart of the earth.

7: The top of the pyramid. The ascension process. Clear communication and a direct connection with the universe.

8: Balance and harmony between the elements of life. Male energy. Mysticism and magic. Infinite energies.

9: Feminine principles of life and natural cycles of creation. Patience, connection with the stars, moon and elements.

10: Manifestation, teamwork, turning an idea into reality. Supporting community, culture and society.

11: Creative inspiration, chaos, distraction. The ever-changing nature of life. Embrace the changes and ride the waves.

12: Completion and community. Weaving together all elements and all our life experiences.

13: Divine connection with life and Spirit. Guidance from the ancestors, giving us direction on our path. Evolution.


Living the Primordial Dream: The Imox Trecena


Giving Thanks