Essays by Michelle

Jaguar Magic & Mother Earth Love: The Ix Trecena
In the sacred Mayan calendar, the trecena of Ix is a 13-day period that is all about our connection to Mother Earth and the magical soul of nature, of which we are an integral part. It’s a time to ask ourselves how we can connect more fully with nature and help sustain our planet.

Blooming with Intention: The Q’anil Trecena
Q’anil represents both the seed and the star. Its spirit animal is the rabbit. This nawal is associated with the blossoming of yellow flowers and gardeners both literal and figurative.

6 Kej
I was reborn on August 6, 2009, the day I landed in Guatemala.
Several years after my arrival, I learned that my Mayan nahual, or birth sign—based on the sacred Mayan calendar on the date of my birth (May 30, 1980)—is 6 Kej. And it turns out, my arrival-slash-rebirth on August 6, 2009 was also 6 Kej. As Tata Thomas often says during a fire ceremony, life is precise and right on time. There are no coincidences in life.
I was home, somehow returning to a place I’d never been.